Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to increase memory allocation in JVM

This article delineates the most common issue caused by standard Java Concurrent Program (XDODTEXE) due to low memory allocated to JVM.

While running BI publisher report which uses XDODTEXE executable, sometimes the below issue occur.
“Warning!!! Due to high volume of data, got out of memory exception...*** Please retry with scalable option or modify the Data template to run in scalable mode “.

The error message sometimes deviates the developer from the original issue.
Detailed Implementation Guidelines:
Step 1: Go to concurrent program definition screen and enter the string -Xss2048k -Xmx2048m in the Options field as shown in the
                       below screen shot and save it.

Step 2: Re-run the program. It will resolve the above error

Note : 
-‘Xss’ Sets the JVM to 2MB .
-‘Xmx’ Sets heap size to 2 GB. ( For 32 bit JVM this is the maximum memory which can be allocated)


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